Elegant & Unique Design

" Luxury is in Everything "

Best Architect in Amritsar
Understanding the requirements of the clients.
Design Process
Integration of design with engineering principal.
Budget Planning
Set your project for success with detailed budget.
Project supervision and efficient execution.

We strive to create buildings that echo not only your needs but also address the urban environment.

Interior Design
Quality spaces designed to your needs, keeping in mind the detailing of overall impact of the space.

3D Modeling
We provide robust 3D visualization & rendering solutions to customers from across the globe.
Creative Solutions by Professional
Kamal & Associates headed by Er. Kamal, always endeavor to provide service to clients with the very best in class talent. Better design and superior solutions begin with an appreciation for and understanding of the world around us and the needs of our clients. Our project teams are smaller and each team member is more engaged.
SINCE 2007
Services We’re Providing
We utilize our diverse skills to provide the consumer with a product that combines international standard with local sensibilities.

Architectural Planning
Help you to visualize the building before it is made.

Interior Designing
We help you make suitable choices for your products.

Estimation & Valuation
Estimates are calculated using data from comparable estimation.

Civil Construction
Art of building bridges, dams, roads, airports, canals & buildings.

Vastu Consultant
Mr. Gaurav Gashisht help you to designing, locating new property through Feng Shui.